Common words and expressions for describing food and drink, restaurant service, and parts of meals.
Food and drink
How many types of meat/fish/seafood, fruit/vegetable, and cooking methods do you know?
Warm up
Look at the images and answer the questions below.
How often do you visit restaurants? Who do you go with?
When did you last go to a restaurant? How was your experience?
What is your favourite food?
Restaurant vocabulary 1
Part A: Explain the difference between the following words
a bill and a check?
a cook and a chef?
a service charge and a tip?
a starter and an appetiser
a main course and a side dish
eat in and eat out?
Practice and answers
Part B: Work with a partner. Take turns to be waiter/waitress and customer.
Role play 1
Role play 2
Role play 3
Role play
Part A: You have been given an opportunity to create a menu for a famous restaurant.
Prepare a menu to share with your guests including:
three starters, three main courses, and three desserts
some side dishes
allergy information
if any dishes are suitable for vegetarians or vegans
payment information (e.g. is a service charge included)
Part B: Work in groups of three.
Take it in turns to present your menu to the other two people in the group (who will be your guests).