Degrees of formality

In Listening Part 1 of the International ESOL test, you will also be tested on your ability to recognise differing degrees of formality used in spoken English.
Listen to five short recordings
Decide whether the language that is used in each conversation is formal, neutral or informal.
Make a note of any language that gives you clues about the level of formality.
Formal/ neutral/ informal
To do the activities and the exam practice below and to check your answers you need to log in to your Learnclick account.
Language/phrases used
Compare your answers with a partner’s.
Now listen to the conversations again and check your answers.
Discuss how the language helped you to decide the level of formality.
Listen to some more examples of different levels of formality.
Choose the most appropriate response to each one from each choice of four.
Exam tip!
Read through the options first.
Circle the correct letters.
a ‘How do you do?’
b ‘Great to see you!’
c ‘How’s it going?’
d ‘Long time, no see.’
a ‘Okey-dokey.’
b ‘No probs.’
c ‘Of course.’
d ‘You most certainly can, sir.’
a ‘I’m terribly grateful.’
b ‘Thanks so much.’
c ‘Cheers, mate.’
d ‘That’s very kind.’
a ‘No way.’
b ‘Not likely.’
c ‘I can’t apologise enough.’
d ‘I’m afraid not.’
Listen to the recording again and check your answers.
Why are the other options inappropriate?