Part 4 - Questions 20-25

Part 4 usually consists of someone giving factual or descriptive Information about themselves or an event or telling a story, often about something that has happened to them.
There is only one main speaker, although sometimes there is a short Introduction by another speaker or an Interviewer asks questions.
The instructions are the same on the recording and the exam paper.
There is quite a lot to read in part 4 so students have 45 seconds to read the questions before they listen.
The questions come in the same order as the information on the recording.
Students should mark the answers on the exam paper and copy them to the answer sheet later
How many questions are there?
Who will you hear?
What will he talk about?
What do you have to do?
How many times will you hear the recording?
Read the questions in the exam task and make guesses about what you will hear.
Exam task
Part 4 - Questions 20-25
You will hear a man called Toby Merchant talking on the radio about his job as an engineer with a company called Atkins Engineering.
For each question, put a tick (✓) in the correct box.
20 When did Toby get a job with Atkins Engineering?
a)when he was a university student
b)as soon as he finished university
c)six months after he finished university
21 What is Toby working on at the moment?
a)a new motorway
b)houses and fiats
a new airport
22 When Toby began working, he was surprised to spend so much time
a)talking to other people.
b)sitting in an office
c)designing buildings.
23 Young people often don't choose engineering because they think
a)it's hard to get a job.
b)it's probably boring.
c)it's not very well paid.
24 What is a disadvantage of the job for Toby?
a)He finds it difficult to take holidays
b)He can't organise his spare time
c)He works too many hours.
25 When Toby was at school, what job did he want to have?
a)a doctor
b)an architect
c)an engineer